페이스북 메신저를 이용한 사기, 이상한 이메일

2016. 3. 30. 21:36Information/생활정보

페이스북 메신저를 이용한 사기, 이상한 이메일에 조심들 합시다

페이스 북에서 외국여자들이 친구등록 신청을 합니다.
그들은 페이스북 메신저로 대화를 청합니다.
아프카니스탄에서 근무하고 있는 미군이라고 합니다.
몇마디 대화를 나눕니다.

이혼, 911테러로 가족을 잃고 하와이에서 학위를 받고...캐나다에 가고 아시아 퍼시픽 채널에서 근무를 했다고 합니다.
인생 스토리가 어쩌면 그렇게 똑같은지?

이 사람들은 무슨 목적을 가지고 접근하는 것일까요?

오늘 대화한 사람은 텍사스 출신이라고 하더군요. 느낌이 이상합니다.
페이스북 메신저 메시지를 삭제하고 차단을 시켜버립니다.

아무쪼록 저의 페친들께서는 당하지 말았으면 하는바램입니다.

아래는 어떤이가 보내온 이메일 입니다.

I did my college education in Hawaii, graduating with a degree in
Business Administration majoring in Management Information Systems. I
have a Masters in
Management Information Systems from the Canada. Before joining the
army, I worked for an American software company (SPSS) for about 4
years, managing the
Asia Pacific Channel business in New Zealand. After the death of my
family.Finally I joined the Army fully to fight for justices against
the world terrorist,,,
The U.K red cross team have been already deposited to the security
delivery company as my personal luggage, I want to move the money to
you as my personal luggage through U.K security company with the help
of a lady in the red cross team that gives treatment to me here. I
already explained to her, she help me already deposit the money in a
delivery company that will deliver it to you.

I want you to keep it safe for me or deposit it in your bank account
for safety till i come but i lock with swift code and i can release
the swift code for you all i want to secure the luggage cargo because
i may die here because i got much injuries and i need to move out from
here so that i will finish my treatment and medication, I don't want
us to lose the money. I don't really know what to do after my
resignation from military so when i come you will help me invest it in
a good business. You are the only family i have. pleased don't betray
me. And don't mention this to anybody for safety reasons. Keep it
confidential only to yourself. It is our secret nobody else should
know OK.

All i want you to send your information ,FULL Names AND FULL ADDRESS
and phone number to summit to the red cross woman to help deposit the
luggage to the security official delivery company..please i made this
confidential between me and you..

I have to take my treatment and medication now because of my injuries,